Is what we release reflected back to us?
What thoughts, mindset, words, energy, etc are we releasing into the world?
Where do we need to adjust and with inner self awareness make the necessary changes to become healthier, to become better and whole?
Sometimes with the bustling flurry of life we get caught up in we may not be aware of a slippery slope we've begun on until we are sliding down it like a kid on a snowy hill by route of inner tube.
Instead of laughing with glee it's in that moment we find ourselves gripping the sides of our inner tube with tightly clenched fists and digging our heels in to brake, to oh no, please stop(!), because we see our destination ahead and it's not pretty.
We all naturally want to make sure we are not headed somewhere detrimental... a point of travel that began within our mind.... that lead us to a journey that's filled with icy rough patches that will cut us, make us cry out in pain knowing full well we knew better.... yet wasn't fully engaged in the present of life and our thought process.
We attract what we are investing in our life. When we are thinking positively, making wise choices, when we are disciplined, when we are emotionally and spiritually healthy we are then able to live a life of beauty... not decaying fruit that attracts disease carrying flies to breed more of the same. It's only when we are in a good place, a healthy place; infusing light outward that we can be assured light continues to reflect back into our inner circle not impending darkness.
What are we giving?
What are we thinking?
What are we saying?
What are we doing?
These are all actions we must evaluate and pray about. We can be honest in self objectivity and then make the necessary conscious changes needed with prayer, self discipline and first and foremost through our thoughts.
Our internal thoughts set the tone for our words, our tongue and how we behave.
Choosing Thoughts And Words Of Life:
When we are insecure it begins with self defeating and or critical thoughts in our mind. We may internally chip away at ourselves with words of comparison, criticism about our looks, our bodies, our hair, etc.
Romans 12:2 ESV
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
Negative thoughts are the seeds that lead to feeling inadequate and consequently mentally tearing down others. The woman criticizing another woman is the problem not her target. By talking to yourself as a best friend (a healthy one) would, someone who is an encourager, as God would in a loving manner, it does something wonderful... it builds you up to then raise up others. What a beautiful domino effect that is and one every woman can benefit from!
Choosing To Be The Victor Not The Victim:
It's undoubtedly difficult to transition from an abusive relationship to healthy and whole again. It's a healing process and with every step forward there may be two steps backward and so on. Yet even though it may be tempting (and there will undoubtedly be dark days) to allow yourself to lapse into a continual quagmire of self pity we can remember that like quick sand one can't stand long in pity. We will undoubtedly drown and become engulfed with the self defeating thoughts and behaviors that pity brings.
Philippians 3:12
Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
We can acknowledge that whatever happened wasn't right, wade through healing with determination and then move on, pressing forward because we have a life to live! We have limited time and let's be certain no one is going to take that precious commodity away from us. We don't have time to wallow in the depths of "poor me" because we have so much to do, to accomplish and ground to cover. Living in this mindset makes us the Victor!
Choosing Self Discipline In All Areas Of Our Life:
Having goals and knowing exactly what we want makes a clear snapshot of where we are headed in life versus bouncing everywhere like a Ping Pong ball with zero focus. If we want a certain career we know the steps we must take to get it. Staying true to this path will ensure steady strides to our ultimate goal and keeps us from straying off it. If we are desiring a Godly man to share our life with, to love, are we in a healthy place? We should be able to express our love without hesitation, articulate our needs and wants in a mature, firm, loving manner.... not through temper fits, control, seduction or manipulation. A husband should know what to expect from us when we communicate... we being like a constant river of steady calm... not him having to worry he's going to have a five foot four tsunami coming at him as he stands before us (nothing will make him run for the hills faster... or at least to the next room with a beer and ear plugs). And yet also he should be a steady rock himself, not a slippery slope but a picture of love with a giving heart. We won't attract a Godly man if our thoughts and ways are cluttered with patterns of ill communication... "well, guess why I'm angry!" and "here's exactly why I'm angry!".... we must replace habits of the flesh with Christlike ones and refrain from dabbling in attacking, self serving or defeating behaviors. With that, are we serving others with a glad and thankful heart?
Hebrews 6:10
For God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love that you have shown for his name in serving the saints, as you still do.
Most important: Are we actively serving our spouse, the one we chose to love every day?
Taking responsibility for our behavior, for our life, our goals, being an authentic person and putting God first will translate to attracting those who do the same.
Every day we have a choice in what we release out into the world.
What an amazing thought.... to realize that we can change the world by starting with ourselves and our world within.... what we release... beginning with our thoughts that have the power to give life or death... to our words, our goals, our relationships and beyond....
we walk in victory!
© ~ 2013
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